Readability Analysis
Analyze the language structure and reading level of your content.
The average visitor reads at an 8th grade level. It is important to adjust your language to ensure your visitors can easily understand your content. Improperly written content can make it hard for users to read or even lower your companies credibility.
Our readability analysis simply reports the reading level of your content. Using the results makes it easier for you to adjust your writing and word choices to the reading level of your customers.
Supported Languages
Several readability algorithms use syllable counting to determine their scores. The current syllable counter used here will only work with English text, so scores for other languages may be inaccurate.
The Coleman-Liau and Automated Readability Indexes do not use syllable counting. That score should be reasonably accurate for most European languages.
Reading Ease
A higher score indicates easier readability; scores usually range between 0 and 100.
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease |
Grade Level
A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. Scores over 22 should generally be taken to mean graduate level text.
Readability Formula | Grade |
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level | |
Gunning-Fog Score | |
Coleman-Liau Index | |
SMOG Index | |
Automated Readability Index | |
Average Grade Level |
Text Statistics
Character Count | |
Syllable Count | |
Word Count | |
Sentence Count | |
Syllables per Word | |
Words per Sentence |