The power of collecting an email address is amazing. You can expect between 1 and 10 percent of visitors to make a purchase on their initial visit to your website (conversion rate) and between 10 and 33 percent to give you their email address (signup rate). Often visitors weren’t intending…
You Have A Site – Now What?
So you’ve got a website ready to go and you want to get the word out to either make money or promote it so it’s the most popular page of it’s kind. What’s next? Well, the first thing you should do is double-check to make sure your website is as…
Pay Per Click and SEO – A Perfect Marriage
Pay-Per-Click or Search Engine Optimization, which one should you use? Many view PPC marketing as a colossal waste of money while others disdain search engine optimization. In reality, the two marketing strategies can work together to form a perfect marriage. Pay-Per-Click – PPC PPC marketing is a “love it or…